Monday 13 June 2016

Let There Be Words!

And there were.

My name is Roger and I warmly welcome anyone who has stumbled across this blog. It’s purpose is to begin building my online platform and to help establish my brand as an author.
As an unpublished author, this blog will document my (hopefully long) journey as a writer, giving anyone who falls into this realm of the internet a chance to see what goes on behind the scenes of my writing adventure.  I will share my highs and my lows, insight into my stories and maybe, if I get far enough, I’ll promote books I’m hoping to release into the world.
So what will I write?
Necessary Picture of a Rabiflap (or whatever it would be called...)
I have created a world, with a huge dilemma, and some rather darling characters. I’ve played around in the world building pool for so long that I need to force myself out of it and into the big kids pool of actually writing the thing!
So naturally I’ve started this blog instead.
Whilst hopefully reaching potential readers, other writers, or general fantasy enthusiasts, this blog is here to maintain the fire, the inspiration and most importantly, to hold myself accountable. Accountable to what I have set out to do.
Wish me luck! And again, to anyone who has read this, thank you. Welcome to my little corner of the internet. Let’s see how this goes…


  1. Hi Roger, good luck with your writing. Make your dream come true and whatever happens....keep writing😊

    1. Thanks Esmeralda! I sure will :) Hopefully I will be able to share some writing on here soon.
